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Chamber Chat Newsletter Ad - July 2024

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Advertise in the Columbia Falls Area Chamber of Commerce’s new “Chamber Chat’ quarterly printed newsletter. This newsletter will spotlight local businesses, promote local events, and promote supporting local! Advertising Deadline: July 5th, 2024 Print Deadline: July 8th, 2024 Benefits of Advertising: • 1,000 copies distributed to local businesses between Columbia Falls, Hungry Horse, Coram, and West Glacier. • Digital online newsletter shared on the Chamber’s social media, website, and e-newsletter o Link sent to you for your business to share on your platforms too! • 3 months of advertising • Promotion of your local businesses to local residents and visitors. • Shop local, promote local, and support local newsletter! Pricing: $100/ad Ad Size: 2X2 no bleed. Ad spaces are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Must be a current Chamber member business to advertise. Contact Andrea Taylor with any questions!


233 13th Street East

PO Box 312

Columbia Falls, MT


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